
Bicentennial Gardens/David Caldwell Park/Bog Garden

Truthfully, none of these are very good dog walking spots. I mean maybe if your dog's the size of a teacup and poops only a thimble full. It's most definitely not a multiple-dog walking park. There are very precious flower beds all around. And little boys in sweater vests and brides getting their pictures taken all along the paths. But my mom loves to walk there because she has a lot of trouble with her balance so this is ideal for her. Or if you're in a wheelchair, these places are totally accessible. The only exception are the dirt paths in the Bog that go up on the hills above the pond--those are dirt trails with steps and everything.

The Bog is a little better for dogs than Bicentennial/Caldwell but the ducks are awfully fat and tempting and close.

Even up in "the woods" section of the Bog (which has security cameras and I'm not sure why--falls? mischief? dogs off leash?), the path is lined with split-rail fencing which every time Buddy wanders off the path he gets tangled up in.

As for the plants in Bicentennial Garden: I like the place but it's a little too neat for me. I like the terraced hillside (back, south end) a little better but I have come across many couples kissing back there and it's been awkward. Now every time I imagine a college-age couple kissing there and can't dissociate them from the azaleas (by the way, if you're an azalea freak, you might like it back in there when they're busting out). Not that I'm some kinda prude, but the kissers always look at me like I'm looking at them (which I am cause I come around the bend and there they are and then I pretend like they're not there)--I'd prefer it if they'd be more Frenchy-French about it and ignore the hell outta everybody and just go to town. My brother had this experience at Oka Hester Park--right off the trail a couple of folks were getting it on. I've always loved that they were doing it at Hester Park.

The Bog's a little cooler because it's not so manicured and, honestly, if you sit still long enough to blend in as much as possible, you might see some awesome birds. I dig birds--I don't really know shit about them (not like the Piedmont Bird club which is cool as hell and provides free handouts there for you in the bog--look for them) but I'm always learning.

Bicentennial Gardens--*
David Caldwell Park--**
The Bog--**1/2

Area of town: Green Valley
Location: Hobbs Road between Northline and Cornwallis, near Friendly Shopping Center. Bicentennial & Caldwell are on the west side of Hobbs. The Bog is on the east side.

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